\\n2月は暦の上では春ですが、寒さが厳しく空気が乾燥する季節です。乾燥は感染症のリスクを高めるため、体調管理が重要!こちらを参考に、元気に過ごしましょう。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"生活習慣スコアは12月より%d点下がりました。変化が見られたのはどの項目ですか?
\\n2月は暦の上では春ですが、寒さが厳しく空気が乾燥する季節です。乾燥は感染症のリスクを高めるため、体調管理が重要!こちらを参考に、元気に過ごしましょう。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal100\": \"生活習慣スコアは12月に引き続き%満点%です。素晴らしい!
\\n2月は暦の上では春ですが、寒さが厳しく空気が乾燥する季節です。乾燥は感染症のリスクを高めるため、体調管理が重要!こちらを参考に、元気に過ごしましょう。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"生活習慣スコアは12月と同じ点数です。
\\n2月は暦の上では春ですが、寒さが厳しく空気が乾燥する季節です。乾燥は感染症のリスクを高めるため、体調管理が重要!こちらを参考に、元気に過ごしましょう。\\n\\n\"\r\n },\r\n \"steps\": {\r\n \"up\": \"歩数スコアは12月より%d点上がりました。この調子で頑張りましょう!
\\n歩く時間を増やすコツは、日常生活の中で歩数を増やすこと。近くの駅やバス停を1つ前で降りて歩いたり、エレベーターではなく階段を使うなど、移動時に意識的に歩く工夫をすると効果的ですよ。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"歩数スコアは12月より%d点下がりました。
\\n歩く時間を増やすコツは、日常生活の中で歩数を増やすこと。近くの駅やバス停を1つ前で降りて歩いたり、エレベーターではなく階段を使うなど、移動時に意識的に歩く工夫をすると効果的ですよ。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"歩数スコアは12月と同じ点数です。
\\n歩く時間を増やすコツは、日常生活の中で歩数を増やすこと。近くの駅やバス停を1つ前で降りて歩いたり、エレベーターではなく階段を使うなど、移動時に意識的に歩く工夫をすると効果的ですよ。\\n\\n\"\r\n },\r\n \"exercise\": {\r\n \"up\": \"運動のスコアは12月より%d点上がりました。素晴らしい!
\\n寒いと体温を逃さないよう血管が収縮します。さらに体温を上げるため筋肉も収縮することで、血流が悪くなり、筋肉が固くなります。こちらを参考に、筋肉をほぐしていきましょう。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"運動のスコアは12月より%d点下がりました。先月の自分を振り返ってみましょう。
\\n寒いと体温を逃さないよう血管が収縮します。さらに体温を上げるため筋肉も収縮することで、血流が悪くなり、筋肉が固くなります。こちらを参考に、筋肉をほぐしていきましょう。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"運動のスコアは12月と同じ点数です。
\\n寒いと体温を逃さないよう血管が収縮します。さらに体温を上げるため筋肉も収縮することで、血流が悪くなり、筋肉が固くなります。こちらを参考に、筋肉をほぐしていきましょう。\\n\\n\"\r\n },\r\n \"meal\": {\r\n \"up\": \"食事のスコアは12月より%d点上がりました。
\\n2月はバレンタインデーがあり、美味しそうなチョコを目にする機会が増える時期です。間食は1日200kcalを目安に楽しみましょう!\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"食事のスコアは12月より%d点下がりました。
\\n2月はバレンタインデーがあり、美味しそうなチョコを目にする機会が増える時期です。間食は1日200kcalを目安に楽しみましょう!\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"食事のスコアは12月と同じ点数です。
\\n2月はバレンタインデーがあり、美味しそうなチョコを目にする機会が増える時期です。間食は1日200kcalを目安に楽しみましょう!\\n\\n\"\r\n },\r\n \"drinking\": {\r\n \"up\": \"飲酒のスコアは12月より%d点上がりました。
\\n家飲みは、気軽に飲める一方飲み過ぎるリスクがあります。事前に飲む量を決める、アルコール度数が低いものを選ぶ、飲み終わりの時間を決める、これらを意識して家飲みを楽しみましょう。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"飲酒のスコアは12月より%d点下がりました。飲み過ぎには気をつけましょう。
\\n家飲みは、気軽に飲める一方飲み過ぎるリスクがあります。事前に飲む量を決める、アルコール度数が低いものを選ぶ、飲み終わりの時間を決める、これらを意識して家飲みを楽しみましょう。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"飲酒のスコアは12月と同じ点数です。
\\n家飲みは、気軽に飲める一方飲み過ぎるリスクがあります。事前に飲む量を決める、アルコール度数が低いものを選ぶ、飲み終わりの時間を決める、これらを意識して家飲みを楽しみましょう。\\n\\n\"\r\n },\r\n \"sleep\": {\r\n \"up\": \"睡眠のスコアは12月より%d点上がりました。
\\n気温差が大きい冬は、睡眠の質が下がりやすくなります。寝る前に温かい飲み物を飲んだり、暖かいパジャマを着るなど、簡単に取り入れられる方法で体を温めることがおすすめです。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"睡眠のスコアは12月より%d点下がりました。
\\n気温差が大きい冬は、睡眠の質が下がりやすくなります。寝る前に温かい飲み物を飲んだり、暖かいパジャマを着るなど、簡単に取り入れられる方法で体を温めることがおすすめです。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"睡眠のスコアは12月と同じ点数です。
\\n気温差が大きい冬は、睡眠の質が下がりやすくなります。寝る前に温かい飲み物を飲んだり、暖かいパジャマを着るなど、簡単に取り入れられる方法で体を温めることがおすすめです。\\n\\n\"\r\n },\r\n \"stress\": {\r\n \"up\": \"ストレスのスコアは12月より%d点上がりました。
\\n冬は日照時間が短いことや、気温の低下により自律神経が乱れやすくなります。太陽の光を積極的に浴びたり、食事・睡眠・運動を整えることで、バランスを保ちやすくなりますよ。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"ストレスのスコアは12月より%d点下がりました。
\\n冬は日照時間が短いことや、気温の低下により自律神経が乱れやすくなります。太陽の光を積極的に浴びたり、食事・睡眠・運動を整えることで、バランスを保ちやすくなりますよ。\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"ストレスのスコアは12月と同じ点数です。
\\n冬は日照時間が短いことや、気温の低下により自律神経が乱れやすくなります。太陽の光を積極的に浴びたり、食事・睡眠・運動を整えることで、バランスを保ちやすくなりますよ。\\n\\n\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"en\": {\r\n \"score\": {\r\n \"up\": \"Your lifestyle score has gone up by %d points since December. Which items have you seen change?
\\nFebruary is spring according to the calendar, but it is the season of cold and dry air. Dryness increases the risk of infectious diseases, so it is important to take good care of yourself! Please refer to this page to stay in good health.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"Your lifestyle score has gone down by %d points since December. Which items have you seen change?
\\nFebruary is spring according to the calendar, but it is the season of cold and dry air. Dryness increases the risk of infectious diseases, so it is important to take good care of yourself! Please refer to this page to stay in good health.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal100\": \"Your lifestyle score is perfect, like it was in December. Excellent!
\\nFebruary is spring according to the calendar, but it is the season of cold and dry air. Dryness increases the risk of infectious diseases, so it is important to take good care of yourself! Please refer to this page to stay in good health.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"Your lifestyle score is the same as it was in December.
\\nFebruary is spring according to the calendar, but it is the season of cold and dry air. Dryness increases the risk of infectious diseases, so it is important to take good care of yourself! Please refer to this page to stay in good health.\\n\\n\"\r\n },\r\n \"steps\": {\r\n \"up\": \"Your steps score has gone up %d points since December. Keep up the good work!
\\nThe trick to increasing the amount of time you spend walking is to increase the number of steps you take in your daily life. It is effective if you make a conscious effort to walk when moving around, such as getting off at the nearest station or bus stop one stop before your destination and walking, or using the stairs instead of the elevator.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"Your steps score has gone down %d points since December.
\\nThe trick to increasing the amount of time you spend walking is to increase the number of steps you take in your daily life. It is effective if you make a conscious effort to walk when moving around, such as getting off at the nearest station or bus stop one stop before your destination and walking, or using the stairs instead of the elevator.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"Your steps score is the same as it was in December.
\\nThe trick to increasing the amount of time you spend walking is to increase the number of steps you take in your daily life. It is effective if you make a conscious effort to walk when moving around, such as getting off at the nearest station or bus stop one stop before your destination and walking, or using the stairs instead of the elevator.\\n\\n\"\r\n },\r\n \"exercise\": {\r\n \"up\": \"Your exercise score has gone up %d points since December. Excellent!
\\nWhen it is cold, blood vessels contract to keep body heat in, and muscles also contract to raise body temperature, resulting in poor blood flow and muscle stiffness. Here are some tips to help you relax your muscles.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"Your exercise score has gone down %d points since December. Let's take a look back at the last month.
\\nWhen it is cold, blood vessels contract to keep body heat in, and muscles also contract to raise body temperature, resulting in poor blood flow and muscle stiffness. Here are some tips to help you relax your muscles.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"Your exercise score is the same as it was in December.
\\nWhen it is cold, blood vessels contract to keep body heat in, and muscles also contract to raise body temperature, resulting in poor blood flow and muscle stiffness. Here are some tips to help you relax your muscles.\\n\\n\"\r\n },\r\n \"meal\": {\r\n \"up\": \"Your food score has gone up %d points since December.
\\nFebruary is Valentine's Day, a time when we see more and more delicious chocolate. Enjoy snacking with a goal of 200 kcal per day!\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"Your food score has gone down %d points since December.
\\nFebruary is Valentine's Day, a time when we see more and more delicious chocolate. Enjoy snacking with a goal of 200 kcal per day!\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"Your food score is the same as it was in December.
\\nFebruary is Valentine's Day, a time when we see more and more delicious chocolate. Enjoy snacking with a goal of 200 kcal per day!\\n\\n\"\r\n },\r\n \"drinking\": {\r\n \"up\": \"Your alcohol score has gone up %d points since December.
\\nWhile drinking at home is easy, there is a risk of drinking too much. Decide in advance how much you will drink, choose a drink with a low alcohol content, and decide when you will finish it.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"Your alcohol score has gone down %d points since December. Be careful not to drink too much.
\\nWhile drinking at home is easy, there is a risk of drinking too much. Decide in advance how much you will drink, choose a drink with a low alcohol content, and decide when you will finish it.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"Your alcohol score is the same as it was in December.
\\nWhile drinking at home is easy, there is a risk of drinking too much. Decide in advance how much you will drink, choose a drink with a low alcohol content, and decide when you will finish it.\\n\\n\"\r\n },\r\n \"sleep\": {\r\n \"up\": \"Your sleep score has gone up %d points since December.
\\nIn winter, when temperature differences are large, the quality of sleep can easily deteriorate. It is recommended to warm up your body by methods which can be easily adopted, such as drinking a warm drink before bed or wearing warm pajamas.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"Your sleep score has gone down %d points since December.
\\nIn winter, when temperature differences are large, the quality of sleep can easily deteriorate. It is recommended to warm up your body by methods which can be easily adopted, such as drinking a warm drink before bed or wearing warm pajamas.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"Your sleep score is the same as it was in December.
\\nIn winter, when temperature differences are large, the quality of sleep can easily deteriorate. It is recommended to warm up your body by methods which can be easily adopted, such as drinking a warm drink before bed or wearing warm pajamas.\\n\\n\"\r\n },\r\n \"stress\": {\r\n \"up\": \"Your stress score has gone up %d points since December.
\\nIn winter, the autonomic nervous system is easily disturbed due to shorter daylight hours and cooler temperatures. It is easier to maintain balance by actively exposing yourself to sunlight and by regulating diet, sleep, and exercise.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"down\": \"Your stress score has gone down %d points since December.
\\nIn winter, the autonomic nervous system is easily disturbed due to shorter daylight hours and cooler temperatures. It is easier to maintain balance by actively exposing yourself to sunlight and by regulating diet, sleep, and exercise.\\n\\n\",\r\n \"equal\": \"Your stress score is the same as it was in December.
\\nIn winter, the autonomic nervous system is easily disturbed due to shorter daylight hours and cooler temperatures. It is easier to maintain balance by actively exposing yourself to sunlight and by regulating diet, sleep, and exercise.\\n\\n\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"],"sourceRoot":""}